September’s Second Wind

Who else is excited about Fall? A few weeks ago the low temperatures began dropping despite the brutal high temperatures remaining during the day. The breeze shifted and carried a different smell, and now, leaves are beginning to fall along with the daily high temperatures. Fall has begun its work on Mississippi.

Fall has also begun its work on me. Suddenly walking outside is a treat and my calendar continues to fill with markets, events, and outings. Gretchin Rubin’s podcast  recently touched on the second wind that September can grant us, calling it “a second January.” I’m certainly feeling that rejuvenated rush to tackle projects and gather dropped habits.

A few things you, dear readers and customers, can expect to enjoy from Hard-Pressed Studio this Fall:

More market opportunities to pick up an original print in person!
I’ll set up at The Market 39211 October – December.
I’m waiting to hear confirmation about Handworks Market in November.
I’ll have tote bags and project bags available at the Oxford Fiber Festival in January.

New Prints and Products:
As always, new prints are in the works. For the latest on those follow me on Instagram (@hardpressedstudio).

What would you like to see Hard-Pressed Studio offer this holiday season?

Are you feeling a second wind? Let me know if you’re looking forward to Fall and what projects you’re working on now!